It can be quite pricy(compared to some vitamins) but I decided to go ahead and give it a try during the racing season. I had taken it a couple of years ago but didn't stick with the regimen for long. So officially I started it Feb. 20.
There's no proof that it works but there isn't any that proves it doesn't.
The nurse told me it can take 6 - 8 weeks to feel it work. Hopefully I made a good decision.
Several weeks ago when I went to the ortho dr. about my "base board" knees (ha) he told me the same thing. No proof that it helps, but he highly suggested that I take it. I have yet to try but maybe this week I'll remember to try some. Walgreen's drugstore has many of their vitamins 2 for 1 this week.
Hi, Susie! I've neglected my running blog as much as I've neglected my everyday blog but I resolve to do a better job this spring! Let me know if the glucosamine helps - I've been thinking of taking it myself.
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